Looks like we will have a 'week' of sunshine! Yea! I will of course eat my hat should we get further prolonged periods of sunshine this year!! (makes mental note to buy edible head wear!)
So a few things to catch up on, 'The Case Conference'... the night before the conference was due to take place my boss emailed me with a jovial, 'is everything okay for tomorrow?'
The day of the conference dawned and my joints were so swollen and seized that in order to get out of my bed I had to roll myself out and off before then needing to bum shuffle down the stairs as my knees wouldn't bend well enough or hold sturdy enough for me to safely descend in the normal manner. In fact, I was a quivering wreck.
I decided to take the dogs out prior to getting washed and brushed up for said conference, when lo and behold I had another email. This time my boss capitulated, he had found some compassion, and offered to have a telephone conference instead of dragging me into a police building. I felt such relief. He also luckily gave me a specific time that he'd ring to alleviate any further strain and I insisted on my fed rep being with him in his office throughout the conversation. I still got worked up as I hate phones, but sometimes its a question of accepting the lesser of two evils isn't it?
The email summary of the conversation is detailed below...
Good morning Leasa
I hope you are well It was good to speak yesterday.
To confirm what was agreed during our conversation:
· We discussed your recent consultation with FMO
· You confirmed that you would continue to receive full pay for 3 more months.
· You informed me that you are finding the ongoing treatment through ‘Save our Soldiers’ (via Safer Horizons) beneficial
Psychiatric Assessment
We had considerable discussion around this and the fact that you were frustrated that it had not yet happened
The following summarises the discussion and how we would progress
· Welfare has requested that a referral for a psychiatric assessment is made
· You have agreed that it would be good for you
· FMO has recommended the referral is made psychiatric assessment
I informed you:
· That the force would fund the referral
· That Welfare had tried to make the referral but had not been able to because Occupational Health were awaiting written consent from you.
You stated that you had not been provided with a written consent form and we agreed that you would write me a letter consenting to the referral.
Supportive Management Action (SMA)
· We discussed the previous arrangements agreed in March
· I informed you that UAP would not be considered at this stage but will be discussed in 3 months time
· We agreed that you were not fit for work at this time and you updated me with the fact that your that your current ‘Fit Note’ expires on 8 July 2017
· When asked about what supportive measures would help your main concern was the psychiatric assessment referred to above.
Actions agreed:
· I would maintain regular contact with you – every 2 weeks – where I would text you and, if you are feeling well enough have a telephone conversation.
· You will maintain regular contact and attend appointments and treatment as advised
· You will send in a consent form re Psychiatric Assessment (DONE) which I will forward to Welfare to facilitate the referral (DONE)
· Welfare will ensure, via Occupational Health, that the referral is made.
So there you go that's where we are currently up to!
Moving swiftly on from such depressing things!
Over the last couple of days I have found that being near water seems to quieten my mind and bring about some peaceful feelings. I have gotten baby bear's paddling pool out to lounge about in! But it isn't quite the same as the pool in Turkey!! What do you think? I've considered painting the Turkey view on my back fence but I'm not sure I'm skilled enough!!
The last twenty four hours have been lovely as baby bear has been with her dad and I could just look after myself. Very selfish I know but the space to breathe seems to make a world of difference to me.
I'm dreading a couple of things this week... Have a meeting tomorrow at the school as to whether the Year 6 Leavers, Baby Bear included, should continue with their plans to spend a week in London the week after next. Trip as been planned for over a year and paid out £350 for it. People have demanded a meeting and lots of kids parents have already pulled them out saying it is not safe for them to go!
Whilst I know I'll worry all week about the 'what if's' I do feel that I cannot let her learn this early in life that giving into these people, no these terrorist losers', is the way forward. It is not a message I want her to take to heart. at 11 years old. I've therefore decided that if the school do go ahead as planned then she should go with them. With less kids it'll be more fun anyways!! So that decision is at the school is tomorrow at 5pm ...
Then on Wednesday afternoon, 1315 hours, it is school sports day. Two hours of trying to stand around, being in pain, being near people and also... being near that foul woman and her family who I fell out with. She has a large family around her wherever she goes versus little old broken me plus they are school governors, on the PTFA etc. and they all glower at me for having 'upset' their poor daughter, wife, mother etc. just because I admitted my #mentalhealth issues to her whilst we were having a heated discussion! She said they were irrelevant to her and I lost interest from there onwards.
Right I'm off to catch some rays....
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